Co & Extra-Curricular Activities
Co-curricular Activities (CCA)
Children in take part in co-curricular activities on regular basis. The dedicated staff and strive to provide the best training of mind and body. The children have a choice from a range of activities including music, vocal singing, skating, indoor & outdoor sports, games including soccer, cricket, and basketball, swimming, dance, chess, yoga, robotics, karate with the global standard in the Astroturf synthetic grounds and sports complex.
Leadership Training Certificate (LTC)
The school equips the students with the leadership training throughout the year with the School Council Committee where the student prefects share and take up the responsibility in assisting the teachers and the school in maintaining discipline of the students. Children have an opportunity to raise any issues during class council meetings. Issues raised are discussed at School Council Committee Meetings with the Principal.
Celebration & Assembly
Children have daily assembly focusing on aspects of personal, social, health, and moral education (PSHME), as well as conducting celebrations. In addition, they take part in assemblies to recognize their good work. Important days and festivals are celebrated during the assembly. Children are given the opportunity through participation in recitals, stage programmes and other events. Our aim is to give every child the chance to perform and in addition to performing music as a soloist.
Educational Tours
Educational visits and trips offer opportunities for the children to enjoy a learning experience outside the classroom. We provide enriching and educational school trips to support the wider curriculum. Our trips range from field trips to longer excursions for our younger students. Also national and international cultural exchange along with national & international education tours, trekking, adventure camps, mountaineering camps are organised.
Scouting at BIA Whitefield
Scouts and Guides is a major training extra-curricular activity for the students from grades 1 to 12. The students are trained to be Scouts, Guides, Cubs and Bulbuls who will reach success from local to international level and achieve success. From time to time they are taken to training camps and jamborees including international jamboree. Importance of Scouting is known and felt and experienced only when one is a scout. Scouting is a very unique leadership activity for the students that gives ample opportunities to the school students to grow into a leader from district level to international level exposure with a comprehensive and continuous personality development. Scouting adds to the building of holistic / wholesome / all-round / overall personality development of student. The scouts and guides / cubs and bulbuls through the scouting activities gain focus, concentration, self confidence, life skills, qualities, values, ethics, morals, adaptability, tolerance, increase observatory skills, global level recognition etc.

What makes Scouts Different? The scouts and guides / cubs and bulbuls spend their days being physically active; mentally agile; they learn to experience adventure and success; they balance their life with this world of technology and all its challenges; they conquer their fears; overcome introversion and shyness; and try new things; they experiment, innovate, explore, discover new inventions and new careers and develop life-long skills; they are creative and productive; they grow to be independent; they build social skills and develop teamwork; they enhance their spiritual growth ; they stay connected with the nature; they make true and new friends ; they have lots of fun; they become more awesome; finally they discover their own self! Scouting helps students to carry forward all the learning throughout their life.
Once We at BIA Whitefield wish to train our students / your wards for the Scouting activity that will be a springboard for your wards to reach the state / national / international level winning Rajya Puraskar (Governor’s Award) / Rashthrapathi Puraskar (President’s Award) stage by stage and it is a continuous process and training attending regularly and clearing the assessments of scouting. Cubs and Bulbuls for the students of grades I to IV Scouts & Guides: Students from of grades V to XII. Once a Scout; Scout forever.
Hence our endeavor is constantly on the following objectives:
- Providing quality education by the efficient teachers and with the support of digital Classrooms and various activities and facilities.
- Providing academic activities are planned systematically through micro& macro levels with One to one attention.
- Weekly academic review/Training conducted by the Academic team of Management.
- Providing oratory skills and leadership training on day today basis in a magnificent multiplex type auditorium.
- Providing leadership training activities, personality development sessions, Career Guidance Cell.
- Providing the hot, hygiene and healthy food with a well balanced nutrition and serving in the global standard dining hall.
- Providing the safe campus enabled with safety measures including CC Cameras being installed in every nook and corner.
- Providing aquatic skills and swimming an essential life skill with the temperature controlled semi-olympic size swimming pools.